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FUSION 2024 Page 10LIBRARY REPORT2024 in the College Library started off in a flurry of activity and excitement that saw our primary and secondary students and staff once again cross the library threshold and trawl the book-laden shelves during their weekly library sessions. Thousands of books and resources have crossed the circulation desk throughout the year, borrowed, returned and shelved ready for the next eager borrower; sometimes not even making it back to the shelf but straight into the eager hands of the next borrower. Throughout the year hundreds of new books have been catalogued and processed ready for borrowing and put into the hands of eager students thrilled to be the first to borrow a new book. However, that is not all that has been happening within our Library walls.This year saw our Kinder students visiting the library regularly on Monday mornings throughout the year. It was wonderful to see them enjoy their weekly sessions in the library with Michelle and the team. What a way to start the week. I love it!During Term 2, in May a group of students from Grade 5 & 6 who took part in the BK12 Junior Writing Competition and some students from other local primary schools, attended a 3 hour Writers Workshop with author Amelia Mellor, held in the BK12 College Library. All students thoroughly enjoyed their time with Amelia and were also able to gain valuable ideas on how to edit and improve their story writing. Riana Baensch organised the event and Alex Hand and the 5/6 teaching team rotated through at various times when they were able.Also, the Australian Library and Information Association%u2019s (ALIA) annual National Simultaneous Storytime (NSS) took place on Wednesday 22 May 2024 at 12pm. This year the ELC and Junior School enjoyed reading and listening to %u201cBowerbird Blues%u201d by Aura Parker and related activities.During Term 3 in August each year across Australia, The Children%u2019s Book Council of Australia brings children and books together by celebrating CBCA Children%u2019s Book Week. The Book Week theme for 2024 was %u201cReading is Magic%u201d. During this time, schools, libraries, booksellers, authors, illustrators, and children, celebrate Australian children%u2019s literature. The Council shortlists a number of books in different categories and awards prizes to the best books of the year. This year, our Library was able to bring each of these books into our collection, each text given a place on display for all to read and enjoy. To celebrate the event and the magic that reading brings, we held our annual Book Week Dress Up Day. This year the Kinder and Primary students and staff celebrated Book Week by dressing up as their favourite book character. Students also participated in other Book Week activities organised by their teachers throughout the week. Our ELC enjoyed listening to Ms Wright reading the 40th Anniversary Edition of %u201cPossum Magic%u201d written by Mem Fox and Illustrated by Julie Vivas during their weekly visit to the Library.Students also voted the following shortlisted books as their Book Week 2024, Boronia K-12 College Student Choice Book Award for Best Story and Best Illustrations.Winners for our Boronia K-12 College Student Choice Book Award for Best Story are:%u2022 1st Place - Bear and Duck written and illustrated by Sue deGennaro%u2022 2nd Place - Gymnastica Fantastica! written and illustrated by Briony Stewart%u2022 3rd Place - Bowerbird Blue written and illustrated by Aura Parker